NOW ENROLLING: ATP101 — An Introduction to Anarchism

As previously described, the Center for a Stateless Society will begin offering online courses in Anarchist Theory and Practice leading to a certificate in this area of knowledge. While the full scope of the certificate program and courses for it have not yet been completely mapped out yet, we will soon be ready to offer the first course in the series: ATP101 — An Introduction to Anarchism taught by C4SS Advisory Panel member Gary Chartier.

This will be a composition heavy course designed to ensure those who complete it are able to articulate and independently apply the material covered. The focus of the course will be on the text The Market for Liberty from the so-called “anarcho-capitalist” strand of market anarchist thought.

Because this is our first foray into offering online courses, this first session will be a “shakedown run”. Please bear with us while we get our act together.

Enrollment for the class will be limited to only 15 paid slots. The fee for the course is $25.

Pay by Paypal using the button below to enroll. You will be contacted with orientation information in the next few days via the Paypal email address you provide.

UPDATE: The first session will run from March 7th through May 1st, with weekly online class meetings. The instructor, Gary Chartier, has said he prefers to keep the scheduling of class meetings open to whatever a consensus of the participants might prefer.

30 thoughts on “NOW ENROLLING: ATP101 — An Introduction to Anarchism

  1. Do you know how frequently you might offer the course? I know several people who are interested in the class and have been talking to people about it all day.


  2. We'll ramp up production according to demand. We're looking to have roughly 5 or so 8-10 week sessions per year. Think of them like semesters. Multiple classes of the same course might be conducted in a given session. Although there will only be just this ATP101 class this session, next session might feature a single 102 class and three 101 classes offered concurrently.


  3. Is this course exclusively for people who are already avowed anarchists? I have generally anti-statist tendencies, wouldn't describe myself as an anarchist, but am very interested in anarchism from a political philosophy perspective.


  4. Would welcome suggestions for times. Since people may be all over the world, this will be tricky. And since people on different coasts will have different start times for work, we'll have a problem, too.

    My preference would be to schedule something Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday before 10:00 PST. But I'm open to suggestions.


  5. I'd love to participate, just not sure I could manage the timing with my work schedule. Otherwise, I entirely support what you're doing, and I'll certainly keep an eye on it.


  6. I am very interested in this as well but I work full time so I am typically unavailable from 8:00AM to 6:00PM pacific, M-F.

    Will there also be any evening/weekends courses offered?


  7. kpw: we need to figure out times that work for everyone; nothing's set in stone.

    Would anything earlier than 8:00 AM Pacific work for you? An early morning half-hour discussion would probably be accessible to people in Europe, while evening stuff in US time zones might not.


  8. 7 am PST would not work for me, unless it were on a Friday. 7 am PST = 10 am EST, which I have either class or work for. 6 am PST would work for me, although I don't know if that's way too early for anyone. 9 am PST on a Mon or Wed would work for me, though…


  9. I'm happy to explore different options. Working with folks in different time zones is obviously a problem. I'll plan on setting up threaded discussions in which people will be able to participate whether or not they're available for the scheduled real-time discussion.

    In theory, I'll have the first lecture up before Monday. I encourage everyone to work on the reading and the writing assignment, view the lecture as soon as it's up, and prepare for some discussion during the week. Then, those of us who can will get together on the morning of Friday the 12th.


  10. As someone who is both an anarchist and who works in the Online Learning department of a community college I’m curious, what kind of technology are you employing? Moodle? Blackboard?


  11. @Brad Spangler – No, Moodle is a fine platform. Its actually what we use and we have approximately 14K students. If you need any technical advice or troubleshooting help let me know.


  12. I'm thrilled to hear this class filled up! I may enroll one day, at that mythical future date when I have more time in my life. I've been waiting for that for a long time, now.


  13. I'm a bit late to the game, but 7 AM pacific (1500 UTC if I'm doing the math right) on Fridays should work for me almost without fail (I may miss one or two due to previous obligations, but will work to free up my schedule).

    Gary, I'm assuming I'm one of the 15—do let me know if I've missed the bus or if my role is more if an audit participant.

    I'm also assuming you prefer Gary over a more formal title—please correct me if I'm on the wrong track there, as well.

    Looking forward to the class a great deal.


  14. I am sad that I missed the first "semester," but I work 8:30 am to 8 pm (CST), so I don't know that I would have had time to participate anyway. I will definitely try my hardest to make time for the next "semester." I have been waiting for something like this for a very long time. I hope you all enjoy the first round. I will check back regularly to see how it is going.


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