Roundtable Chat on Arbitration Entrepreneurship

On Sunday, April 10th, 2011 at 8PM Central time the Center will sponsor an informal roundtable discussion for those interested in developing independent arbitration businesses. Come prepared to brainstorm with others looking at the same market and problems. The event will use the Flash-based chat room below.

EveryWhereChat Free Flash Chatrooms

5 thoughts on “Roundtable Chat on Arbitration Entrepreneurship

    1. Brad,

      Must have been the latter. I was in there for about 90 minutes. I tried to mildly "guide" the discussion toward the topics that initially inspired having the chat, but it quickly broke down into a more general discussion of polycentric law and arbitration. Then an anarcho-communist showed up to ask WTF a market anarchist is, so it devolved to that topic.
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